Some key ideas
Our survival depends on our conserving the
potential of our climate symbols.
The Physics of the Breath: it is our power to give
all away that enables all to come to us.
The fleeting dances
of the clouds are a wonderful
reminder of the bounteous nature of the continual universal
transformation all is change.
Teach the invisible and the visible will teach
Does the flap of a butterflys wings in Brazil
set off a tornado in Texas?
Our lifestyle is our ultimate lesson
to the world.
Climate Processes - Prime Symbols:

Breath connecting; the most
intimate interchange we have with all;
enabling all living beings
Which inspires in us the
combined senses of:
Change universal, continual; the
essence of existence
Stewardship compassion for all;
conserving the balances
and flows that sustain us; embracing our civic
Which in turn opens us to the
potential of the following great symbols:

Thermodynamics the warmth of
always changing, continually flowing

Trace the tiniest of elements,
often leveraging massive change,
the essence of Chaos Theory

Gases free flowing; spacious;
thermally variant

Air atmosphere; life enabling;
rich with chemicals; large capacity
for thermal convection, small capacity for thermal
translucent to ultraviolet;
average temperature of Earth'surface =
minus 18C without air

Invisible enabling the visible;
potent with possibilities;
a guide to the truth

Water - clouds, vapour, oceans, ice;
albedo; fast cycling; life enabling;
dominant Warmer Trace Gas

main driver of our climate/weather;
great force in our lives;
to Teachers Level
1 Level 2 Level
3 Level 4
Page last updated:
Nov 2010