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Definition the information symbol 


Reality is constant universal change, as energy continually transforms. All forms emerge from other forms and in turn merge into other forms.  Both forms and the transformation can be viewed from myriad perspectives including gravitational, thermal, electromagnetic, kinetic, physical, chemical and biological perspectives the latter including psychological perspectives. The latter in particular generates awareness of how our minds are transformed by the act of reflection of the universal change. 

No two forms are the same and each involves unique patterns of change or formations. Life at every level uses symbols to communicate the essence or essential formation of these patterns of change and that which arises from it. For example the DNA of every cell contains a sequence of symbols that enable it to survive and procreate. Human beings use sequences of symbols such as words to enable societies. 

This symbol use includes a symbol for the general phenomenon of each object or pattern of change having its own unique formation or in-form - the information symbol. 

All things and every thing is information and no matter how it is symbolised, all information is physical. At all levels there exists a universal interplay of energy with its dancing atoms and this includes our awareness. 

It is common in Anglo-American countries for groups of individuals to control the flow of information for their own benefit. For instance they symbolise information as copyright and create legal frameworks restricting its flow. This is evidence of a dangerous denial of stewardship/change and such behaviour destroys the state of science, for inclusiveness is a requisite of this state of being. Thus it is, for instance, that the United States of America, where such exclusive behaviour is most prevalent, is also the now the most indebted nation on the planet, unable to realise its vast potential and places all humans at major risk. 

It is also endemic in these countries for teachers and other policy makers to dismiss their use of symbols as just semantics or mere metaphors and to deny the fact that their own lifestyles are also information and potent symbols. They are denying the essence of change that information is physical 

Summary  .

Conserve the potential of the information symbol by using it to convey the reality that information is physical and all symbol uses need constant care and review.


Etymology  information

Wiki: Information, in its most restricted technical sense, is an ordered sequence of symbols. As a concept however, information has many meanings. Moreover, the concept of information is closely related to notions of constraint, communication, control, form, instruction, knowledge, meaning, mental stimulus, patter, perception and representation

The English word was apparently derived from the Latin accusative form (informationem) of the nominative (informatio): this noun is in its turn derived from the verb "informare" (to inform) in the sense of "to give form to the mind", "to discipline", "instruct", "teach": "Men so wise should go and inform their kings." (1330) Inform itself comes (via French) from the Latin verb informare, to give form to, to form an idea of. Furthermore, Latin itself already contained the word informatio meaning concept or idea, but the extent to which this may have influenced the development of the word information in English is not clear.

The ancient Greek word for form was μορφή (morphe; cf. morph) and also εἶδος (eidos) "kind, idea, shape, set", the latter word was famously used in a technical philosophical sense by Plato (and later Aristotle) to denote the ideal identity or essence of something (see Theory of forms). "Eidos" can also be associated with thought, proposition or even concept or even.


Enjoy the rewards of being a conservator of the potential of our greatest symbols.


Page last  updated: Aug 2010