The Sustainability Principle
 of Energy


Home   First draft Aug  2010

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  Online Etymology Dictionary


The Power of Symbols

What is a Prime Symbol?

Variations on the Wisdom Of Confucius

How to Conserve
the Potential

The Human Condition

General Theory

Practical Application

Index of Denial/Acceptance

The Joys in 
Are you vulnerable to denial?
Review Call
Evaluate your
teachers /media
The Compassionate Curriculum
Defining some Prime Symbols


Energy Efficiency









Climate Change





Peak Oil
Principle of Energy





















The Human Condition


Reality is universal continual transformation or change.

Human beings live a dance between acceptance and denial of both our mortality and our roles as stewards amidst the transformation.  

Paradox is woven into the very structure of human consciousness – we sense our integration with the universal flux even as we are aware of our unique, transient form. In this paradox resides the potential to experience sensations of alienation, pain, death, life, interconnection and vigour.  

(Clint Brown drawings: Reminders that even as we arise to take the form 
of a human being able to reflect existence we also embrace our passing. )

The crux of our situation is that our consciousness contains  enormous potential for both truth and self-deceit. We thus have a great potential to experience both unimaginable joy in harmony and incredible misery in dissonance..

Deciding how to use this potential is compounded by the fact that our consciousness is but a trace element of our being. Neurophysics suggests that while in any moment we are each conscious of maybe a couple of thousand interactions with the universe(s) our primal being is sentient of perhaps 50 billion interactions. And while our cells contain wisdom that has sustained their structure a billion years through all manner of change our egos have a great capacity to deny this wisdom.

Our capacity to experience sensations of joy and awe in harmony is unimaginable because possibilities and options exist beyond the bounds of thought. Our capacity for denial of these states and thus generating misery is incredible because our ego is more ingenious and limited than we can consciously know.

We have the capacity to develop very sophisticated psychological mechanisms to live in acceptance and in denial of change/stewardship. In order to survive and thrive in our dance between these two states of being then we need ways to transcend the limitations and demands of our ego and thought. One such way is the experience of the state of compassion with its qualities of inclusiveness; inquiry; sharing; honesty and trust; and generosity of time and reflection. These qualities enable us to better live in acceptance of stewardship/change and thus know greater harmony with reality. They provide us with the capacities to transcend the limitations of our ego, be in the state of science and better embrace the paradoxical nature of our existence.  

 "It is possible to travel the whole world in search of one who is more worthy of compassion than oneself. No such person can be found."
(Attributed to The Buddha)

All human beings are born into the state of science to some degree and it is the experience of this state of being, born of compassion, that enables us to develop language, the arts, civics and all we know as civilisation. It is the state of science that has enabled our most sustaining symbols, which we know as the great principles of physics. We have in the Conservation Principle of Energy a great guide, for though millennia of human beings have subjected it to most ingenious and intense scrutiny in our attempts to avoid mortality and stewardship, no one has ever faulted it.

"There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.
That's how the light gets in.
That's how the light gets in."

(Leonard Cohen -Anthem)

Page last  updated: Aug 2010