cartoon exploration -Chapter Two)
The survival
of human kind provides good reason to explore the nature of energy. An
even greater reason is that the journey of exploration may well open us
to amazing and wonderful experiences of existence.
We face major challenges along the way, perhaps none as extraordinary as
those created by the ego that resides in each of us. This element of our
psyche plays a pivotal role in determining our perceptions and is
characterised by both an abhorrence of notions of mortality and an
incredible, ingenious capacity for self-deceit. It is well capable of
generating vast, sophisticated rationales of denial of
change/stewardship and can easily make us our own worst enemy. Smile.
The Conservation Principle of Energy provides us with a great and
sustaining guide and Chapter Two explores how powerful elements of the
ego finds its fundamental messages very inconvenient. Enjoy.
Chapter Two: The Ego and The Conservation Principle
of Energy
Chapter Three: The Ego and Forms of Energy
to Chapter one: Introducing the Ego and Energy
Below are
of the symbols of the "Energy Conscious Age" that emerged in the late
20th Century.
In general they are characterised by a reaction to
the Banker's redefinition of energy in the 1950s. So there now exists the
Bankers' energy and there exists an alternative energy to their energy.
Smile. People find the "use" symbol inconvenient and
consequently confuse energy with the renewable, sustainable, clean,
green and other uses of energy. Smile.

