Chapter Three: The Ego and Forms of Energy .
Chapter Four explores the relationship of
the ego with the universal potential, which is energy
are more samples of the symbols of the "Energy
Conscious Age" that emerged in the late 20th
Century. These Wiki and US Energy Information Authority
web pages top any search on "forms of energy".
how the EIA page for children primarily frames the
"Forms of Energy" symbol with symbols such as
petrol pump nozzles, incandescent light bulbs, jets, and
electrical main's plugs - all profound examples of the
excesses of the Industrial Revolution. Note also how the
page also suggests humans can "save energy",
which is the ultimate denial of the Conservation
Principle of Energy.
Click on the pictures below to see the original
web pages. Apologies for the lack of clarity - this
website is a low-tech,low-skill operation


The US Energy Information Administration - advice
for our children