Seven -The Ego and Power explores the
relationship of the ego with the "power" symbol as a
prelude to exploring the relationship of the ego with the
"energy efficiency" symbol.
Some of the great 19 Century greenhouses of
Trees were planted outside and inside No 1, the Crystal Palace,
so as to be diminished in scale by the man-made structure.
1 2
4 5
1 Britain 2 Denmark 3 Belgium 4 France 5 Italy
6 Russia
Samples of modern images of
"greenhouse Earth"

These two top ranking education sites exhibit a
common reason given for associating the processes of Earth's
atmosphere with those of a greenhouse: we have no choice because
everyone else does. Thus a cycle of non-science is perpetuated
in our culture.
What are “greenhouse gases?” The transparent windows of a
greenhouse (or a car parked in the sunlight) transmit the warming
visible rays of the sun, prevent the resulting warm air from leaving,
and hence maintain a warmer environment inside than outside the
structure. In the Earth’s atmosphere, some trace gases absorb
infrared radiation from the solar-warmed surface of the planet and
transfer energy to the many other surrounding molecules. The result is
Earth’s temperatures higher than they would be in the absence of
these gases. The atmospheric gases and a greenhouse work in quite
different ways, but the resulting effect, higher temperature in both
cases, has led to the nomenclature “greenhouse gases” for the
atmospheric gases responsible for the atmospheric warming effect.
Although this nomenclature is misleading, it is in such common use
that we use it here as well.

Let's take a look how energy from the sun warms the Earth - and what
it's got to do with greenhouses.
It's all about the greenhouse effect, right?
Well yes. Just one thing though. The greenhouse effect hasn't a lot
to do with greenhouses.
Scientists used to think it did. That's how the effect got its
name. But we now know that the picture on the left doesn't tell the
true story of how a greenhouse works.
All that visible light passing through and infra-red getting
trapped is the greenhouse effect all right. But it's not what makes a
greenhouse work. So bit of a bad name. But we're stuck with it now.
Rev George
Clayton, [Three] Sermons on the Great
Sermon III:
end of sermon)
...Ah, there
lies the mighty difference. "Here we have no continuing
city;" nothing is stable, nothing abiding. Soon shall the
Palace of Glass be demolished, and all its pomp and splendour
fade from the view, and be as though it had never been. But
there you have a tabernacle that shall never be taken down — a
house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. The felicity
will be perfect, and permanent as perfect; and on the whole
scene, so complete, so enduring, ETERNITY will place its crown.
are you travelling? Where is the place of your rest? What is
your final home? Can you say, "We, according to this
promise, look for a new heaven and a new earth in which dwelleth
righteousness?" "In my Father's house are many
mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to
prepare a place for you — and where I am there also shall my
servant be!" May all who hear, and all who may read these
pages, find a seat prepared for them in that Palace of the
Skies, through the merit and grace of the Divine Intercessor.